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19 Images 1st (71) Malthe Brinch Rohde & Sandra Sorensen (Denmark)
8 Images 2nd (8) Artur Balandin & Anna Salita (T.T.C. Rot-Weiß-Silber Bochum)
5 Images 3rd (24) Razvan Dumitrescu & Jacqueline Joos (Schwarz-Weiß-Club Pforzheim)
21 Images 8th (61) Andrei Petcu & Alexandra Motoc (TSC Astoria Stuttgart)
76 Images 11th (2) Philip Andraus & Ekaterina Tsvetkova (TTC Fortis Nova Maintal)
4 Images 63rd (18) Dennis Deiloff & Sabrina Deiloff (TGC Rot-Weiß Porz)
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